Crop Health Biotech
Hybrid Gerbera and Plants


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Mycorrhiza are obligate & sporophyte in nature & requires a living host for their survival. Commonly divide into three major groups; Ecto- Mycorrhiza; Endo- Mycorrhiza; Ectino- Mycorrhiza.
Mycorrhiza is a Greek word which means FUNGUS + ROOT. A symbiotic association between a plant and non pathogenic fungus that colonize the cortical tissue of roots during period of active plant growth. These symbiosis are characterized by movement of nutrients- carbon flows to the fungus and in-organic nutrients move to the plants, thereby providing a critical linkage between plant root and soil.
There are at least seven major types of Mycorrhizal association; most common is Endo- Mycorrhiza. Mycorrhizal plants increase the surface area of the root system & absorb nutrients from the soil especially phosphorous & micro-nutrients by hyphae that goes beyond root zone to absorb nutrients.

Target Crops:-

Cereals; Pulses; Oil seeds; Fruits; Vegetables; Plantations; Fiber Crops; Forest & Nurseries.


� Improve plant roots growth & development.
� Increase the uptake and mobilization of phosphate in all crops
� Increase & facilitate nutrients and translocation from the soil and root cuticle parenchyma to xylem, phloem elements like nitrogen, potassium, vice versa.
� Effective in overcoming the stress conditions like drought, disease incidence & deficiency of nutrients.
� Enhance product Quality & increase immune power of the crop.
� VAM supplement root hair in water absorption hence prevents reduction in crop relative water content of cells and help to overcome drought.

Method of Application & Dosage:-

Soil Treatment: Mix VAM VECTOR 4 KG @ acre in 50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/Compost/Vermi-compost/Field soil & incorporate in the soil before sowing/ transplant; or Broadcast the above mixture in standing crop 25-30 days after sowing.

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