Crop Health Biotech


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Azotobacter spp. in NPK Liquid formulation Increase nitrogen up take, produce plant growth hormones (IAA, GA) vitamins enhancement in up take NO3, NH4, H2PO4, K and Fe.
Azospirillium spp. is an associative micro �aerophillic nitrogen fixer. This bacterium induce the plant foods to secrete and mucilase which aerate low oxygen environment and helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen .
Phosphate solubilizers (Bacillius magaterium var. Phosphaticum and Pseudomonas spp. dissolve fixed phosphate into plant utilizable form. Phosphate solubilizers produce Organic acids (viz Citric acid, Succinic acid, Lactic acid) Hormones (Indole acetic acid, Gibberlins) and enzymes (Phytase, Nuclease, Lecithinase ) etc . That helps in solubilization of insoluble phosphate into plant utilizable form.
Potash Mobilizing Bacteria: The microbe, Frateuria aurentia is a beneficial bacterium capable of mobilizing available Potash into near the roots of the plants. It works well in all types of soil especially, low k content soil. Use of such bacteria in liquid form can increase the availability of more potash in usable form of the plants.

Target Crops:-

Suitable for all crop live paddy wheat, maize, groundnut, citrus banana, Tea, Coffee, coconut, vegetables and flowers.


� Increase utilization of atmospheric nitrogen.
� Solubilization of unavailable form of phosphates.
� Mobilize the fix and left potash in the soil.
� It increases plant drought tolerance under drought conditions.
� Safe, non-toxic to humans plants, animals and environment.
� Increase 20-30% yields and quality of the produce.
� Improve physical and chemical property of soil with aeration and water retention.
� Reduced diseases infestation up to some extent.
� Cost saving and reduce dosage per acre of nitrogenous, phosphate and potash fertilizer.
� Improve coloration, appearance and shelf life of perishable fruits and vegetables.


PLANTO POWER is a balanced perfect mixture that creates a balance in the use of chemical fertilizer.

SOIL APPLICATION: Mix 500ml -1.00lt PLANTO POWER per acre in 50kg of well decomposed FYM/compost / VERMI COMPOST or soil of the field preparation and in standing crop twice in cropping season. In Horticulture crops it should be broadcasted in the root active zone.
FOLIAR SPRAY: Take 500ml _750ml PLANTO POWER, Mix it in 150lt. of water and spray at 1month old crop to eliminate the deficiency of nutrients , 2-3spray at 1month interval gives better result.
DRIP IRRIGATION: Mix 500ml -1.0lt PLANTO POWER per acre in 100lt of water and apply in the field through drip irrigation.

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