Crop Health Biotech


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Rhizo Vector consists highly useful strains of ubiquitous soil micro-organism i.e Rhizobium spp. It (Rhizobium spp.) detect compounds like flavonoids secreted by the root of leguminous plants and then produce nod factors leading to formation of root nodulation. The bacteria infect the legume root & forms root nodules within which they reduce molecular nitrogen in to ammonia.


�It has been estimated that 40-50 kg/N/ha is fixed by different legume crops by the microbial activity of Rhizobium spp.
� It improves soil fertility also colonize the legume root.
� Rhizomes determine the nutrient pool for soil and facilitate growth and development of plant.

Target Crops:-

Leguminous crops like Pea, Black Gram, Green Gram, Cow Pea, Chick Pea, Soy-bean. Lentil, Barseem etc.

Application & Dosage:-

Seed Treatment: 100ml@10kg of seeds.

Soil Application:- 1 L of Rhizo Vector in 50 kg well decomposed FYM/Compost/ Vermi-compost or field before soil and broadcast in the field before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in standing crop and irrigate the field.

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