Crop Health Biotech
Hybrid Roses and Plants


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The microbe, Frateuria Aurentia is a beneficial bacterium capable of mobilizing available Potash into near the roots of the plants. It works well in all types of soil especially low K content soil. The microbial population and its activity i.e Organic acid secretion contribute the changes of potassium mobility from the soil towards plant roots. Rate of non-exchangeable K release and its mechanism are controlled by nature and amount of clay minerals. Potash Mobilizing could be applied individually however it is recommended along with nitrogen fixing bacteria like Azospirillum & with co-inoculants & soil application.

Target Crops:-

Cereals like Paddy, Wheat, Millet, Vegetables like Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pea, Brinjal, Tomato, Flowering plants and fruit crops.


� Improve coloration and shelf life of crop
� Improve sucrose content in crop & appearance
� Secretion of growth hormones to increase crop productivity
� Improve resistance of crop plants against diseases & stress conditions
� Improve crop growth & yield by 20-30%
� Reduce cost of potash applications by 50-60%

Method of Application & Dosage:-

Soil Application Take 2 kg Potash Vector mix in 50 kg well decomposed F.Y.M/Compost Blend the mixture& broadcast it over 1 acre land in the standing crop & irrigate the field. In case of Horticulture crops it should be applied in the effective root zone.

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