Crop Health Biotech
Azoto Vector


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Azotobacter spp: . is the free living nitrogen fixing aerobic bacterium . Azotobacter spp. coverts atmospheric nitrogen gas into plant usable ammonia forms and fulfills plants nitrogen requirement. Azotobacter spp. produces plant growth promoting substances viz-Vitamins, Auxins and Gibberlins which influences plant growth to a large extent. Azotobacter spp. enhances seed germination early seedling vigor and increases the crop yield.


� Well characterized for the production of Exo-poly saccharides (EPS) which play an important role for plant growth.
� Suppresses growth pathogenic micro-organisms.
� Secrets plant growth of pathogenic micro-organisms.
� Improves seed germination percentage with increase in number & length of shoot & root.
� Increases productivity with reduction of 20-25% of Nitrogenous fertilizers requirements.



�SEED TREATMENT: Take Azoto vector(L) 5ml per kg of seed.i.e 5-10ml per lt of water. A solution of Azoto vector (L) prepared; must be dipped 30min before transplantation.

�SOIL APPLICATION: Take 1lt Azoto vector (L) for one acre and mix it well with decomposed matter (FYM/Compost). Approx 40-50kg and broadcast before sowing or broadcast up to 45days after sowing in the standing crop and irrigate the field.

�DRIP IRRIGATION: Mix Azoto vector (L) 1LT in 100lt of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.


�SEED TREATMENT: 10-15 gm @ kg of seed.

�SEEDLING TREATMENT: Take Azoto Vector 10-15 gm @ L, Solution is prepared , seedlings are dipped & then are transplated.

�SOIL APPLICATION: Take 4 kg of Azoto Vector @ Acre mixed with 50 kg well decomposed F.Y.M/Compost or Vermi-compost & broadcast before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in the standing crop and irrigate the field.

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